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How often should I float?

There is no simple answer to this question. The frequency of floating really depends on your goals, your lifestyle, and your budget. Generally, you can expect to see more benefits if you float regularly.

As a starting point, we strongly recommend floating at least once a week for the first 3, 4 sessions. As floating gives cumulative effect, this set of sessions will help you to get used to the experience and train your brain to get into the deep state of relaxation much faster and easier comparing to your initial sessions. Once you are used to it and find it easier to slip to that deep meditative state, you can adjust your frequency to your specific needs.

We have a rough guide on what frequency is recommended for each situation, but ultimately, just listen to your body and mind to know how often you need it.


- for someone who wants to treat themselves with some nice, relaxing time for a special occasion

- someone who needs a quick recovery fix after the marathon or other sporting event. One session will not fully fix the problem, but it will definitely give some express relief.

Once a month:

- for someone who wants benefits from regular floating but is on a tight budget

- someone on a tight schedule who can't find the time to float more often

- someone who doesn’t need floating for pain relief or mental issues like anxiety, depression, insomnia

- someone who wants to release their stress and muscle tension accumulated throughout the month

- someone who wants to have a wellness routine once a month to relax, recharge their energy, and maintain their calm and positive mindset

- someone who wants to have time once a month for goal setting and reflection.

Twice a month:

This frequency can help you catch up on rest, boost your energy, and strengthen your immune system. This can also be good for people who sit for long periods of time daily.


Floating weekly will help you achieve next-level deep relaxation, improve your mental health, and provide extended relief for chronic pain.

This is also a good option for:

- someone with particularly stressful jobs and suffering from insomnia

- someone with physical jobs and suffering from back pain, muscle and joint pain, arthritis

- athletes who are currently undergoing regular training sessions and for those who are playing in tournaments or competitions

- students or professionals who are reviewing for their upcoming exams.


Floating daily is good for people who are hoping to see a fast transformation in their life emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or physically. Floating on a daily basis can prove to be extremely effective.

This amount of float therapy is best suited for:

- someone who suffers from severe anxiety and depression

- someone who is struggling with addiction

- someone who is getting ready for a major competition or important event

- Someone who is trying to recover from a serious injury

- someone who is trying to fast track rehabilitation

- someone who is trying to seek out a profound meditation state

- someone who is attempting to get better at journaling or self-reflection

- someone who is trying to gain a new and solid foundation for their spirit, mind, and body so that they can operate at their highest possible potential.

If you are not sure how often you should float, just listen to your body. It will send you a lot of signals when it's time for your next float. If you are happy with your current state after a period of frequent floating, you can decrease the frequency and come back to more frequently floating when your symptoms come back.

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