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Our Full Spectrum Amplify II Infrared Sauna from Sunlighten offers all free infrared wavelengths: far infrared, mid infrared and near infrared, Chromotherapy and extra soft, comfy seat.

Deeper heat penetration without the uncomfortably high temperature of traditional sauna.   

What is infrared light?


Nature gives us infrared light. You can’t see it with your eyes, but you know it. It’s that good feeling you get the moment the sun comes out on a cloudy day. It’s the warmth you love to soak up at the beach or next to a fire. It also helps plants bloom. The right amount helps stems grow fast and strong. Everything in nature needs it to live, and we don’t get enough of it in our modern world. 


Like dials on a radio station, there are many frequencies of infrared and its next-door neighbour, visible red light (infrared means “below red”). Here’s an overview of each of Sunlighten’s wavelengths, and what they activate in your body:


Far Infrared

- Foundational infrared wavelength (9.4 microns)

- Only FIR heater clinically shown to raise core body temp 

- Activates sweat glands, deep detoxifying sweat

- Energizes and revitalizes, not draining heat

- 95-99% emissivity = maximum absorption/bioavailable wavelengths

Far Infrared is good for:

- detoxification

- heart health

- weight loss

- immunity

- relaxation

- muscle recovery


Mid Infrared

- Activates water cells and hormesis

- Only our 3 in 1 heater delivers at peak wavelengths (5 to 6.7 microns)

- Patented heating technology makes possible

- Contributes heat

Mid Infrared is good for:

- anti-aging

- sleep

- muscle recovery


Near Infrared

- Activates mitochondria

- Regenerates cells

- Reduces inflammation & pain

- Faster wound healing

- Increases collagen & elastin

- Contributes heat in Amplify Full Spectrum

Near Infrared is good for:

- anti-aging

- relaxation

- muscle recovery

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Before your IR sauna appointment:

  • Consult with your doctor before using IR sauna if you are pregnant, take any medications, have been diagnosed with anhidrosis, have unstable angina, have had a recent heart attack or have any heart disease, have pacemaker / defibrillator, or have been diagnosed with any other medical condition. 

  • Avoid large heavy meals before using the sauna.

  • Avoid shaving or waxing directly before before your sauna session. 

  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine directly before your sauna session.

  • You are not permitted to use the sauna under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

  • Bring your bathing costume or shorts.

  • Bring your ID to prove your age if you look young (IR sauna is permitted from 18 years old).


At your IR sauna appointment:

  • It is always important to maintain proper hydration levels during far infrared therapy. We highly recommend drinking a minimum of 250 ml of water prior to entering the sauna.

  • For optimal results, skin should be free of deodorant, make up, fragrancies, oils, and lotions.

  • Do not use in under influence of drugs, alcohol or medication.

  • Please remove all jewellery.

  • Please wear a bathing costume or shorts in the sauna, if possible. 

  • Do not sleep in the sauna.

  • Drinking, eating or shaving is not permitted in the sauna (except drinking water from the bottles suitable for sauna use)

  • Alcohol consumption is not permitted during sauna use.

  • Exit sauna when the timer shows: 00.

  • If you feel light-headed, dizzy, or heat exhausted; open the door, place a cold, wet towel on the back of your head, and drink water.

  • If you feel flu-like symptoms (rapid pulse, heavy sweating, cramping, fatigue), immediately exit the sauna.


After your IR sauna session:

  • For optimal results, we recommend waiting with taking a shower for at least 1h, as the detoxification process continues for another hour after your infra-red sauna session finishes. 

  • Drink a minimum of 500ml of water after sauna use.

  • If you experience headaches or other adverse effects after your sauna session, consider having shorter session next time and gradually get used to longer sessions. 

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